Industry production values overview

Table 3: Territory primary industry and fisheries production values

 Value of production ($M)Annual change
Horticulture2016‑172017‑182018‑19 17‑18 to 18‑19
Mangoes 88.3 112.8 108.7 ‑3.6%
Table grapes1 8.0 8.7
Melons 50.3 42.0 57.4 36.7%
Other fruits 17.7 17.7 19.1 7.9%
Vegetables 43.9 43.9 41.3 ‑5.9%
Nursery, cut flowers and turf 17.7 17.7 15.5 ‑12.4%
Territory markets 7.8 8.2 9.2 12.2%
Total horticultural233.7251.0251.20.1%
Fish 37.3 37.5 33.6 ‑10.5%
Crustaceans 5.9 9.8 8.7 ‑11.6%
Aquaculture 34.4 25.6 41.4 62.0%
Molluscs and echinoderms 0.63 0.51 0.50 ‑2.9%
Total Territory fisheries 78.3 73.4 84.1 14.6%
NPF crustaceans 62.5 37.2 35.7 ‑4.0%
Total fisheries140.8110.6119.88.4%
Livestock and other agriculture2
Cattle 663.7 604.4 823.5 36.2%
Other livestock 30.2 32.9 33.8 3.0%
Total livestock 693.9 637.3 857.3 34.5%
Field crops 19.3 20.5 27.0 31.9%
Forestry 13.7 14.8 10.6 ‑28.5%
Total other agriculture 33.0 35.3 37.6 6.5%
Total livestock and other agriculture
Horticulture 233.7 251.0 251.2 0.1%
Fisheries 140.8 110.6 119.8 8.4%
Livestock 693.9 637.3 857.3 34.5%
Other agriculture 33.0 35.3 37.6 6.5%

1. In  2018‑19 the table grape production value was consolidated with other fruits.
2. Other agriculture includes mixed farming and forestry.

Source: Department of Primary Industry and Resources data collections

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