Primary producer freight subsidy assistance
Primary producers and non-profit organisations (NPO’s) who have recently been affected by ex-Tropical Cyclone Megan and associated flooding can apply to access grant funding to support recovery efforts.
Primary producers and NPO’s from any of the below-listed regions are eligible to apply:
- Roper Gulf
- East Arnhem
- West Arnhem.
Freight Subsidy Disaster Assistance Grant is available for primary producers who have properties in one of the above regions.
The freight subsidy aims to support reimbursement for costs associated with:
- moving emergency fodder for livestock
- removal of stock from the impacted area
- replacement of buildings for livestock
- fencing repairs
- machinery and equipment associated with livestock, or
- replacing animals lost in the event.
The Asset Assistance Grant program is available for NPO’s in the above-mentioned regions.
NPO’s can now apply for a one-off grant of up to $10,000 to repair or replace assets that were significantly damaged as a result of the floods.
The Freight Subsidy Disaster Assistance and the Asset Assistance Grant are jointly funded by the Australian Government and NT Government under the Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements.
Ex-Tropical Cyclone Megan and the flooding associated with this natural disaster is still evolving. The NT Government will continue to monitor the situation and work to expand these grant programs if necessary.
For more information
- Asset Grant Assistance, go to the Northern Territory Government website.
- Freight Subsidy Disaster Assistance, go to the Northern Territory Government website.
- Eligibility and grants programs, go to the Northern Territory Government website.