Over 115,000 Barra to be released in Top End
The team at Darwin Aquaculture Centre breed Barra fingerlings as part of the Territory Government’s $50 million RecFishing Futures Program to restock Rum Jungle Lake, Manton Dam and some of the lakes around Palmerston.
The Barra are released into waterways where they would not usually occur such as isolated lakes, lagoons and dams, providing easy-to-access and safe land based fishing opportunities where fishers of all ages and abilities can participate in this iconic Territory past time.
Recreational fishing is an enormous draw card to the Territory and a signature pastime for Territorians with the sector directly generating $144 million and a further $126 million indirectly annually for the local economy.
The released Barra are tagged and monitored by NT Fisheries to understand recapture rates and the success of the stocking program.
In 2024 a total of 115,500 Barramundi will be released into Rum Jungle Lake, Palmerston Recreational Fishing Lakes and Manton Dam to support strong, sustainable and diverse recreational fishing opportunities.
Over the next 10 years, the Territory Government will work with the community and industry to ensure our coastlines and waterways remain abundant with fish stocks, strengthen relationships in the industry and broaden recreational fishing opportunities across the Territory.
Catching a tagged fish
Fishers who catch a tagged fish are encouraged to report their catch by visiting afant.com.au or calling the hotline on 1800 456 410.