Fisheries research

The Fisheries research team provides scientific advice on the status of aquatic resources in the Northern Territory (NT). The team participates in a wide variety of research programs to collect this information and collaborates with regional, national and international partners.

Annual stock status reports for key NT fish species follow a nationally agreed framework. These annual reports are incorporated into the Australian Government’s status of key Australian fish stocks reports which are released every two years.

Status of key NT fish stocks report 2017 PDF (5.2 MB)

Status of key NT fish stocks report 2017 DOCX (10.0 MB)

For previous versions please visit our online publications library.

See latest national fish stock report for each species:

If you need further information on the species listed above or on any other species not listed here, contact Fisheries.

Research proposal funding is available to the fishing industry.

To apply complete the Northern Territory Fishing Industry Research and Development Trust Fund Preliminary Research Proposal DOCX (163.1 KB).

Submit proposal to:

Executive Officer
Northern Territory Fishing Industry Research and Development Trust Fund Advisory Committee
C/- Fisheries, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
GPO Box 3000
Darwin NT 0801

Or email

For more information contact the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries by phone on 08 8999 2339 or email

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