
Australia industrial hemp 5 years research program - Theme 1: Seeds and varieties

Building on the Northern Territory Government’s funded research trials conducted at Coastal Plains Research Farm and Katherine Research Station; as well as Industrial hemp variety trials project of AgriFutures Australia, this 4 years research project is designed to further evaluate the hemp varieties suitable for profitable fibre or seed/oil production, and that have the characteristics required for adaptation to the potential production environment.

The research program aims at providing a baseline and framework to secure a continued supply of characterised novel hemp varieties as well as improved germplasm to hemp growers across all relevant Australian agroecological zones.

The project will ensure an effective pathway for the delivery of new varieties for fibre and seed/oil production to growers and provide them with information to guide decision about selection of varieties.

For more information on the Australian Hemp Program of Research, visit https://agrifutures.com.au/related-projects/australian-industrial-hemp-program-of-research-aihpr/

Contact: plant.industries@nt.gov.au

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