Agave trials

Agave originates from Mexico and is used for syrups, spirits, fibre and fodder.

The agave industry is an emerging industry in Australia. There is currently no commercial cultivation in the Northern Territory.

Agave takes 6 to 8 years to grow to maturity, during that time researchers will assess the growth of the plants and collect data on their performance.

The department engaged the commercial growers interested in participating in a trial looking at the suitability of agave as a crop for the Katherine and Central Australian regions.

Participating growers were supplied with 30 free plants (approximately 20 square metres under cultivation) to trial on-farm.

This trial is being funded under the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund Natural Resource Management (NRM) Drought Resilience Program grants.

For more information about the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund, go to the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry website.

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