
Sweet taste of success

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Sweet taste of success

The Northern Territory Government’s efforts to support the melon industry are bearing fruit.

Beware of brown dog ticks

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Beware of brown dog ticks

Protect your dog from ehrlichiosis.

Join us tomorrow at the NTCA 2022 Conference

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Join us tomorrow at the NTCA 2022 Conference

Visit us at the Northern Territory Cattlemen’s Association (NTCA) 2022 Conference in Darwin tomorrow, 25 March.

Remotely detecting cow and calf behaviours to alert producers to key production outcomes

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Remotely detecting cow and calf behaviours to alert producers to key production outcomes

Remotely monitored devices (such as accelerometers and GPS trackers) are being used to detect maternal behaviours associated with calf suckling events in first-lactation cows as part of the uSuckle project at the Katherine Research Station.

What to do when selling or purchasing a property

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What to do when selling or purchasing a property

Branding cattle is a clear way of identifying ownership of stock. It is the responsibility of the registered owners to decide what happens to their brand when selling a property. While the sale of a property may include the stock, the brand is not automatically transferred to the new owners.

Get the tick of approval to move cattle interstate

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Get the tick of approval to move cattle interstate

Northern Territory cattle producers looking to move their livestock interstate need to comply with cattle tick containment measures before sending their animals across the border.

Recent fieldwork at the Douglas Daly Research Farm

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Recent fieldwork at the Douglas Daly Research Farm

The annual 400 day data collection for the selected Brahman and Composite yearlings took place in December 2021, with some of the high performance cattle to be made available for sale in July 2022.

Restoring productivity in the rangelands

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Restoring productivity in the rangelands

A long-term grazing strategies trial is providing results in Central Australia.

Supporting commercial forestry opportunities in East Arnhem Aboriginal communities

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Supporting commercial forestry opportunities in East Arnhem Aboriginal communities

A 3-year research and development project investigating the potential for commercial Indigenous forestry in northern Australia is underway.

Mangoes promise a productive future for the Territory

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Mangoes promise a productive future for the Territory

Mango is an important crop for the Territory and it features in many of the Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade’s current projects and plans.