Paddock power

Sustainable and profitable intensification

Many breeder paddocks in Northern Australia are too big and under-watered to achieve optimum productivity. These large, poorly watered paddocks impact on reproduction and profitability: there’s over-and under-utilised feed (depending on distance from water), incomplete musters and limited opportunities to implement herd segregation, controlled mating or tactical pasture management.

Paddock Power, a three-year collaborative project between the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries and Meat and Livestock Australia and the aims to answer:

  1. How much impact is paddock area and distance to water having on production?
  2. Where should we put new water and/or fencing infrastructure to get best bang for buck?
  3. Which infrastructure development option/s will deliver the best return on investment?

Paddock Power project

The Paddock Power project has concluded. Find more information, including two webinars about the project on the FutureBeef website, or contact project lead, Christie Pearson.

Find out more

Join the Paddock Power Facebook group.

Project contact

Dr Christie Pearson
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
Phone: 08 8973 8476

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