Veterinary register

The Veterinary Board maintains a register of veterinarians who are registered to practise in the Northern Territory (NT). Only persons whose names are retained on this register are entitled to provide veterinary services in the NT.

Veterinarians are encouraged to check the accuracy and currency of the details listed in their entries in this public register and to advise the Board of any changes required.

Registration data last updated: 06 Feb 2025. | Export to Excel
Last name First names Registration Qualification Area of practice
Ainsworth Ross 122 University of Melbourne, BVSc Large animal / Large animal Export
Allen Jan 854 Sydney University, BVSc Small Animal
Anderson Malcolm Laurence 1068 Murdoch University, BVMS Mixed
Arnold Darren 5127 Murdoch University, BSc BVMS Large Animal
Atkins Daniel 405 Murdoch University, BSc, BVMS Small Animal, Zoo, Other
Baronio Julie 358 Murdoch University, BVMS (Hons) Small Animal
Barr Cecilia 5225 Massey University , BVSc Mixed
Bartie Shane 841 University of Petoria, BVSc Small Animal
Bates Laurelle 780 Murdoch University, BVSc (Hons) BVMS Small Animal
Bayly Rebecca Anne 5250 University of Queensland, BVS Equine, large animal, mixed, small animal
Berryman Mallory 5150 University of Sydney, DVM Small animal
Bertram Tamryn 5216 University of Pretoria, BVS Small animal
Bhardwaj Vidya 5190 University of Sydney, BVSc Government
Bingham John 5220 University of Zimbabwe, BVS Government
Bishop Richard 3085 Massey University, BVSc Small Animal
Blick Jason 5045 University of Pretoria , BVSc BSc Mixed
Bowman Derrick Sophia 4053 University of Melbourne, BVSc Small Animal
Brett Hamish 848 University of Queensland, BVSc Large Animal Export
Bryett Hannah 5228 James Cook University, BVS Equine, small, large, mixed, wildlife
Burdon Jacqueline 5047 University of Pretoria, BSc BVSc Mixed
Burgoyne Charlotte 4023 University of Queensland, BVSc Government
Burleigh Alexander 685 University of Sydney, BSc (Vet) BVSc Equine / Large animal / Mixed / Small animal / Other Remote community health
Burrie Rebecca 5232 James Cook University, BVsc Small animal
Callow Susanna 711 Murdoch University, BSc BVMS MVSc Small Animal
Carnogoy Stacey 5157 University of Sydney, DVM NSW Government
Chiam Rebekkah 446 Sydney University, BVSc Small Animal
Chin Tasman 3055 University of Queensland, BVS Mixed
Choi Yun-Sir 4097 University of Sydney, BVSc Small Animal
Clark Lauren 5175 James Cook University, BVSc Mixed
Colombaroli Massimo 5200 Utrecht Universiity, BSc (Vet Med) MSc (Comp An Med) Mixed
Colville Melanie 5026 Sydney University, BVSc Arg (Hons 1) Small Animal
Corfield Thane Tegan Francis 5173 University of Sydney, DVM Small Animal
Coventry Jocelyn 231 Murdoch University, BSc, BVMS Murdoch 1984; MANZCVS Murdoch 2000 Government
Cuthbert Joel Matthew 5149 Murdoch University, DVM Mixed, Small Animal, Wildlife, Exotics
Cutter Stephen 501 University of Melbourne, BVSc (Hons) BVS (Hons) Government, Small Animal, Wildlife, Exotic, ZOO, Crocodile, Aboriginal Community Animal Management
Daffey Caitlyn 5166 James Cook University, BVSc Mixed
Daley Celia 873 Melbourne University, BVSc Small Animal
Dauth Lara 614 Murdoch University, BSc Vet Biol, BVMS (Hons) Small Animal
Davey Angela 3042 James Cook University, BVS Small Animal, Mixed
David Leilani 5207 Charles Sturt University, BVSc/Bvet Biol Small Animal
Davies Nick 5179 University of Melbourne, DVM Small Animal, Wildlife, Exotics
Dennis Kerry Austin 111 University of Sydney, BVSc Small Animal - Equine
Doumtsis Ayden 5205 QLD, BVSc Mixed
Drury Aislinn 5195 University of Sydney, BVSc (Hons) Small Animal
Dudgeon Cindy Marie 1076 Murdoch University, BSc, BVMS Government
Dunn Amanda 2093 University of Queensland, BVSc (1st Class) small animal
Dyrting Kitman 898 University of Queensland, BVSc Government
Eastley Jessica 1035 Murdoch University, BSc, BVMS Small Animal
Evers Luca 5201 Utrecht Universiity, Master of Science Mixed
Farebrother Jamin 695 University of Sydney, BVSc, MANCVS Mixed
Fitzpatrick Susanne 721 University of Queensland, BVSc (Hons Class 1) Veterinary consultant
Foot Christina 5208 James Cook University, BVS Large animal, mixed, small animal
Foster Ayrial 3003 James Cook University, BVSc Government
Gardiner Inge 808 Murdoch University, BVMSc Small Animal & Equine
Gifford Storm 991 James Cook University, BVSc Mixed
Gifford Hilton 5118 University of Queensland, BVS (Hons) Small animal
Giles Arielle 5115 Melbourne University, DVM Small Animal
Giliam Jane 5223 Massey University, BVSc Government
Gurry Ian 448 Murdoch University, BSc BVMS Small Animal
Gurry Susan 426 Murdoch University, BSc BVMS Small Animal
Hanrahan Natasha 1045 University of Melbourne, BVSc Small Animal
Hansell Bree 610 University of Queensland, BVSc Small Animal
Hansen Peter 982 University of Sydney, BVSc Small Animal
Hansen Vanessa 967 University of Sydney, BVSc small animal
Harding Amy 4093 University of Queensland, BVSc Mixed
Hardwick Amy 3057 University of Sydney, BVSc Small Animal
Hayne Anthony 493 University of Queensland, BVSc Large Animal Export
Hens Rachel 5229 James Cook University, BVS mixed
Hesford Alexandra 657 Bristol, BVSc Small Animal
Hock Brenna-Marie 5230 James Cook University, BVS Small animal
Hokanson Cameron 950 University of Queensland, BVS Mixed
Holztrager Fritz 3020 University of Petoria, BVSc Small Animal
Hussie Klara 5233 James Cook University, BVSc Mixed
Huynh Tiffanie 5219 University of Melbourne, DVM Government, Large animal export, mixed
Hyde Page Fiona 5211 University of Sydney, BVSc Online consultant
Jeffery Michelle 968 University of Queensland, BVSc (Hons 1) Research/Education
Johnson Lynelle 440 Ohio University, DVM Small Animal
Kelso Madeleine 2079 James Cook University, BVSc Small Animal
Kettle Anthony 5077 Massey University, BVSc MRCVS MACVSc Mixed
King Clemence 5204 University of Sydney, Bvet Biol/DVM Mixed
Lash Laurie 127 University of Queensland, BVSc (Hons) Small Animal
Leck David 613 University of Queensland, BVSc (Hons I) Mixed
Letchford Peter 197 University of Queensland, BVSc Large Animal /Export
Lindholm Victoria 5245 University of Adelaide, DVM Aboriginal Community Animal Management
Loizou Anna 5247 James Cook University, BVS Mixed, Small animal
McMahon Kara 4099 University of Queensland, BVSc (hons) Small Animal
McMahon Samantha 335 University of Queensland, BVSc Mixed
Mitchell Rebecca 5246 University of Queensland, BVS Small animal
Monteiro Pereira Jamaya 5046 James Cook University, BVSc Small Animal
Montgomery Quin Marie 831 Murdoch University, BVMs Small Animal
Mooring Bryce 5033 Charles Sturt University, BBs BVSc Large animal / Large animal Export
Moylan Kathleen 567 Murdoch University, BSc, BVMS Government
Munster Vicki 3015 James Cook University, BVS Government
Nauck Angela 5007 The University of Edinburgh, BVMS small animal
Nelson Honey 822 Universiy of Queensland, BVSc (Hons) Mixed
Newland Xenia Dorothea 5239 University of Melbourne, DVM Government, Large animal export
Newman Adam 5251 Royal Veterinary College (London), BVetMed Small animal
Osborne Deborah 195 University of Sydney, BVSc Small Animal
Parratt Sophie 2015 University of Melbourne, BVSc Small Animal
Payne Jenelle 5112 University of Adeliade, DVM Small Animal
Perry Julie 252 Murdoch University, BVMS Small Animal
Peyrer Simona 924 Murdoch University, BSc, BVMS Small Animal
Pickering Megan 445 University of Melbourne, BVSc (Hons) Mixed
Pugh Jenna 5203 Murdoch University, BVMs Remote teletriage
Puiu Lisa Ioana 5242 University of Surrey, BVMS Small animal
Reid Katherine 623 University of Melbourne, BVSc (Hons) Mixed Commnuity Animal Health
Rimon Eloise 5248 University of Queensland, BVS Government
Saville Peter 756 London/Edinburgh, BVM MRCVS, MSc Government
Schmidt Josef 500 Murdoch University, BSc, BVMS Government
Seah Chyong Shyuan Shy 5244 Murdoch University, BVMs Government
Sherwood Melissa 1012 Murdoch University, BSc, BVMSc Small Animal
Shilton Catherine 669 University of Guelph, Canada, DVM Government
Small Kelvin 138 University of Queensland, BVSc Mixed
Smith Suzannah 805 University of Sydney, BVSc Mixed
Smith Kimball Kim 628 University of Queensland, BVSc FACVSc Small Animal
Somaratna Subhani 5249 James Cook University, BVS Equine, mixed, small animal
Stedman Elizabeth 1098 Charles Sturt University, BVBio BVSc Government
Stone Jessica 5212 Murdoch University, DVM Mixed
Swadling Victoria 5231 University of Queensland, BVSc (Hons) mixed
Swan Olivia 5185 Murdoch University, BVS BVMs Mixed
Thomas Jennifer 770 University of Sydney, BVSc (Hons) Small Animal
Ting Shawn Yi Kuang 4017 University of Melbourne, BVSc Research/Teaching
Tong Margot 2016 University of Queensland, BVSc Small Animal
Treatch Lisa 1057 Murdoch University, BSc BVMS Large animal, mixed, small animal, Wildlife
Trembath Rupert 4089 James Cook University, BVSc Mixed
Trinder Catherine 1052 University of Queensland, BVSc (Hons) Small Animal
Vanderstelt Sarah 901 Murdoch University, BSc BVMS (hons) Small Animal
Vastmans Anne 5180 Ghent University Belgium passed AVBC Exam 2021, Master Vet Medicine Belgium 2016 AVBC Exam Certificate 2021 Small Animal
Vaughan Charles 5241 Charles Sturt University, BVSc Large animal / Large animal Export
Walter Lauren 712 Murdoch University, BVMS Mixed
Wass Toby 1037 University of Queensland, BVSc Large Animal/Export
Watermeyer Leana 911 University of Pretoria, BVSc Small Animal
Watson Charlotte 5240 University of Cambridge, BVM Small animal
Watt Ruth 5218 Charles Sturt University, BVB BVS small animal
Webster Rebecca 4076 Murdoch University, BSc BVMS MVS Small animal
Weeratunga Madusha 3048 University of Queensland, BVSc (hons) Small animal
Wilcox Daniella 5227 University of Surrey, BVMs small animal
Williams Robert 5202 University of Sydney, BVSc MVPHMgt Government
Wong Amy 5243 University of Liverpool, BVS Mixed

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