NT biosecurity strategy 2016-2026

The Northern Territory biosecurity strategy 2016-2026 PDF (1.4 MB) has been developed to address increasing biosecurity risks across the Territory.

The strategy has a clear vision and goals to ensure the Territory is protected from new, established and endemic pests and diseases.

The strategy will:

  • bring industry and the community together to monitor and respond, swiftly and effectively
  • support a more adaptable, agile and responsive industry to new biosecurity risks
  • focus on surveillance, response and adaptation at the grass roots level
  • stay committed to continual improvement through regular performance assessments.

Everyone has role to play in protecting the Northern Territory (NT) biosecurity and this is best achieved by working together.

Biosecurity Hotline: 1800 084 881.

Biosecurity is the economic, environmental and community protection from serious damage by pests, diseases and weeds.

This includes things like disease control in livestock and protecting the local fruit and vegetable industry from pests and diseases.

Biosecurity management protects crops and cattle, fisheries, forestry and tourism industries from serious damage by pests, diseases and weeds. A biosecurity incident could significantly damage our economy and society.

Without effective biosecurity management the Territory’s economic, environmental and social wellbeing is at risk.

Strong biosecurity helps to protect the Northern Territory's unique environment and natural assets for the enjoyment of locals and visitors alike.

There have been recent cases of Banana Freckle disease in the Darwin region and Cucumber Green Mottle Mosaic Virus in Katherine, Ti-Tree and the Darwin rural area.

Pests such as browsing ant and Asian honey bee have also been detected in the NT recently.

These outbreaks had major impacts on the community and the economy and were reminders of the importance of strong biosecurity measures.

Important industries in the NT, such as cattle, seafood, horticulture and tourism are all vulnerable to biosecurity threats.

Everyone has role to play in protecting biosecurity in the NT by being aware of the risks and reporting anything suspicious.

Borders can't be impenetrable to biosecurity threats, but a community approach reduces the threat of plant or animal pests or diseases from entering, establishing or impacting the NT.

The Department of Agriculture and Fisheries and the Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security play important roles in managing pests and diseases to minimise the risks to the NT environment and economy.

They have programs that:

  • watch for high priority pests and diseases to protect key industries
  • support readiness to respond to pest and disease situations
  • support community awareness and involvement through animal welfare projects
  • have chemical management programs to promote the production of safe food and compliance with the use of agricultural and veterinary chemicals.

If you see something that could have entered Australia with imported goods, and you think it may be a biosecurity concern, report it.

If you see unusual pests, including invasive animals and weeds report it.

Biosecurity Hotline: 1800 084 881.

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