Hemp Industry Act 2019

On 6 May 2020, the Hemp Industry Act 2019 and associated Regulations commenced.

The new Act provides the authorising environment and framework for the regulation of low Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) Cannabis species known as industrial for food, fibre and seed production.

Industrial hemp plants differ from regular hemp species in that they contain very low levels of THC, and if consumed foods and products made from industrial hemp have no psycho-active effects on individuals.

Key features of the new Act

Establishes a licencing regime that:

  • enables the lawful possession, cultivation, processing or supply of industrial hemp for the commercial production of industrial hemp products including food, fibre and seed
  • enables the lawful possession, cultivation, processing or supply of hemp for scientific research, instruction, analysis or study related to the production of low THC hemp
  • sets out how the responsibility for specified administrative powers of the Act are shared between the Chief Executive Officer of the regulatory agency and the Commissioner of Police
  • provides exemptions where applicable to the Misuse of Drugs Act 1990 to allow for licenced persons to undertake activities in accordance with the new Act
  • provides authorised inspectors under the new Act with appropriate powers of entry, inspection and seizure to allow for the effective enforcement of provisions to ensure compliance
  • provides for offences and penalties for contravening specified provisions of the new Act
  • provides for infringement notices  to be served by inspectors for non conformances under the new Act and Regulations
  • provides for prescribed conditions to be applied to licences.

For information on how to apply for an Industrial Hemp licence go to the Northern Territory Government website.

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